torsdag 25 mars 2010


I believe that love is the strongest and the most beautiful & amazing feeling in this world...& Its not everyday you meet someone that give you this feeling over and over again. Once you have it , DONT EVER LET IT GO!! and when it comes to taking decisions,i use to say " follow your head , not your heart", but now lets revearse it... FOLLOW YOUR HEART not YOUR HEAD..because in the long run, what you really needed and what you really wanted is the one that you cant live without..

I need you because i love you!!! , NOT i love you , because i need you ..

same things but different dont love someone because you need it, but you need it , because you love it...

the same as....

You DONT love a woman because she is beautiful, BUT she is beautiful because you love her....

Why do we close our eyes when we sleep, when we pray, when we dream ,when we kiss, when we love....??! because the most beautiful things on earth cannot be seen within your eyes, it must be felt within your heart...

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