måndag 12 april 2010

Blog list Part 2.


Bästa maträtt/ Best food? SUSHI, spicy , french food , swedish food and sea food!
Bästa dryck/ Best drinks? Grape / apple juice and ice cold chocolate drinks
Hat dryck och maträtt/ Worse drinks & food? Alcohol with Coke and Vegetarian except the vegetarian pies.
Bästa alkoholdryck/ Best alcohol drinks? Vodka with pomegranate
Använder du smör på smörgåsen/ Do you use butter on your bread? Always
Favoritglass / Favourite Ice cream? Classic original vanilia and chocolate =)

Shoppingvanor/ SHopping:
Hur mycket shoppar du för varje månad / How much you spend for shopping every month? Around 300-400eur more or less
Har du mer skor än kläder / You have more shoes than clothes? Diffinetly no.
Favoritplagg / favourite outfit? Dress and jeans
Hatplagg / Hats? I have some maybe 8-10

Arbete, utbildning / work, education:
Jobbar eller pluggar du/ You work or study? I dont like study , so i work.
Vad vill du bli/ what do you want to be? Dermatologist/ Real state ( with houses )/With in Business…I am not really sure.
Trivs du med ditt jobb/din utbildning/ You feel good with your work /study? More or less.
Är lönen viktigast/ Are the salary the most important ? Not if you don’t have the time to spend with it.

Boende/ Living:
Lägenhet eller hus/ apartment or house? Huge house ofcourse , but now a beautiful apartment.
Framtidsplaner med boende/ future plan with living ? I big flat with 4-5 bedrooms, american kitchen, huge bathroom with bubbel bath and 2 floors.=)
Drömboende/dream place to live? Huge house ofcourse with swimming pool , big garden and a basketboll court =)!!
Landet eller mitt i stan/ Country side or in the city? 30mins from the city

Lite allt möjligt/ a little about of everything:
Har du barn/ do you have kids? No...
Är otrohet okej/ is being unfaithfull ok? Definitely NO!
Älskar du någon/ You love somebody? Ofcourse
Betyder familjen mycket för dig/ does family means alot to you? Too much more than you can ever imagine.
Är du lojal/ Are you lojal? Ofcourse
Tycker du om att dricka dig full/ Do you like drinking yourself drunk? Depends in the mood.
Hemmafest eller krogen/ Home party or the club/bar? Club / bar ofcourse.

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